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Thursday, April 28, 2016

The F Therapy

Ha ha, you will say there she goes again. But, trust me, it works. I am propagating the therapy. If you try it, you will find it beneficial too.

So, what the therapy is anyways? Shouting out loud Fuck It when nothing is going right? Yeah, that helps too. But, in small way. For a moment you will feel good. For a moment your attitude will deny the adversities. However, in the long run, it will not help. The problems will not go away.

Ah, don’t get me wrong. Please don’t. I do curse. I do mutter Fuck Man, when things begin to go wrong. However, I found out that it does not help a lot. I still have to find the meaning in mayhem.

The F therapy is not Fuck Therapy. It’s not shouting the F words loud at people. It is forgiveness. The practice can help you go a long way.

From my experience I understood that in order to acquire positivity in life, it is important to forgive those who have wronged you. It is more important to forgive the person who stares back at you from the mirror every morning.

I have spent years in rage. There were so many. The list went on. And I kept adding to the list. I kept adding people, I wanted revenge against. My father’s side of family who walked out, ex-boyfriend who was fucking a whore, the neighbor who did not switch on the pump, the dog that barked every night and it went on.

It did not make the things better. It made me miserable. It made me restless. There were so many of them out there and I was not doing anything to show them their true place. The more time I spent with the thought, the worse it got.

Then one day, I shook my head and said – fuck them all. Forget them. But to forget them, I needed to forgive them. It was not easy. Forgiving ex-boyfriend is fine. Let him fuck the whore all he wanted.

But, forgiving the family my father left behind? The jealous and complaining relatives who toast each one of our defeat and mourn all our successes, how do you forgive people like that?

The day my father passed away, these people stood by and whispered in apprehension. They were afraid that they would have to support us now. Feeding three more mouths – oh man that is beyond thinking.

They don’t call us to inquire how we are doing. They call us to demand why we don’t call them more. Eventually, we gave up calling them at all.

Trust me when I say this – there is more to this story. Forgiving them is not easy. But, to be in peace, I did force myself to say in silence – that I forgive you. It feels good. I felt good. I felt alive.

However, just saying once did not help. For a moment I even believed that forgiveness is possible. But, the next instant the rage, the pent up emotion flooded back. And I found myself standing at the spot where I have started from – angry and seeking revenge.

So, I began the unique practice of saying to them – I forgive you. It worked. Finally, I succeeded in erasing them from my mind to the point that now they don’t even seem familiar to me.

Even if it has not done my ego any good. It has certainly done my heart a lot of good. I found peace.

Try it. Try F Therapy. Try saying that I forgive you. It can save your soul. It did mine. Forgiveness is the gift that you should give yourself – because you are worth it.