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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Heal, Rediscover and Live Again…

Been a long time. I missed you guys. Yeah, I am lying. Yeah I know that you know. Today is the day when everything goes right. So, I thought of stealing the moment and making it happen. You know write a blog post.

So, today we are gonna talk about rediscovery. Duh. A deep one to discuss about. But, I think it is worth dedicating an entire post to. Rediscovery. What do we rediscover? How do we do that?

The last post, had been in July 2016. As I said it has been a long time. And a lot has changed since. I have changed since. Yes, I still use F words like salt on salad. But, now I measure the quantity. I make sure that it is per the liking of the people who are around. If you are not used to salt on salad, you will get it without salt. Meaning, I am decenting (no that’s not a word. But, I fucking used it anyways) myself down or up, whichever you choose, your call.

Man I am in a good mood today. It would have been a shame to let this opportunity go to waste. Anyways…that’s not the point here. I was talking about what? Yes, rediscovery.

Should I call it the R therapy? Maybe I should do an A to Z therapy series. I will think about it later.

Rediscovering is Letting Go

To rediscover, you need to let go first. Let go. You see letting go is an art. You gotta be an artist to let go in style. Or, just disappear. I am great at that. I disappear. But, anyways, my life is not the point here. I keep forgetting that I am not that important. Happens when you talk a lot and no one expresses the slightest desire to hear you out. The process of writing started from that only. I had a lot to talk about. And no one wanted to hear out. So, I thought fuck you all. I am gonna say it anyways. And I started penning them down.

So, let go. Whatever is keeping you there, tying you with the past - let them go. Hold on to the good memories of course. But, had memories been that good, the word would not have come up with such a morose sense. Memories. Try to make memories. Don’t live in them. They do nothing but hold us back.

They hold us back from acquiring. They hold us back from approaching. They hold us back from living life. And trust me when I say life passes by as we live in the memories. Life waits for no one. Each moment that you are living in past memory, you ignoring your present. It is a gift from the divine. Don’t waste it.

Say good bye to the memories that make you cry. Say good bye to those that make you frightened. Say good bye to those that make you happy as well. Instead make your present happy. Be happy today. Don’t dwell on the time you were happy.

Rediscovering is Healing

Yes, we all have been there in that moment when life choked us. We all have been there in the moment when end of life became the most desired option. We all have made a comeback.

Those moments might have damaged us, but, they failed to kill us. To rediscover, you gotta heal first. You gotta mend those wounds, restore the energy. And when you do, you will be able to look at the world from a new perspective.

This is the way we again discover ourselves. Easier said than done. I know. As I said the subject is deep and not expected from someone like. But, had you knew me or had you had any idea what I had been through, you would have understood that this is the kind of post that is expected of me. That one is a long sentence. But, sometimes they are required in the myriad of short and simple ones. Just like long hours of consideration is required amidst the hurried life. Setting up priority is the most important task.

When we set up priority, we discover once again why we are alive. It is all about passion or it all about the lust for life. Let go. Live today. Love a lot. It’s life. And it’s gonna end one day. Why hold yourself back? Rediscover and relive.

Huh…there you go. The R therapy. Try saying your good bye today. Tomorrow never comes…   

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