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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Your Attitude Brings the Worst Out of Others

Life has been generous to me. It has given me opportunity of coming across people from various background and upbringing. I more or less go along with all of them. Well, at least I try. You cannot say I go around badmouthing anyone. Anyways…that’s not the matter of discussion here.

The topic is about people and attitude. I have seen enough bad attitude. And always wondered – who are you to show me this?

So, you have attitude. Congratulation. Now, explain to me why? What have you done in life to wear it? What have you accomplished? And most importantly why should others tolerate it?

If you have been to elementary school and I believe you have been to, you must have studied physics. Remember a guy called Newton? Remember his third law? Bingo, every action has an equal reaction. Full marks for this one.

Now, let me proceed.

Show your attitude. People will take it. But, be prepared for the equal reaction. What you show, you see too…

Funny. Isn’t it?

Sadly, that’s the law of life.

So, here is the wisecrack from a wisecracker or BS from a BSR. Control your attitude. Tame it down. Hold yourself till you have risen high enough for others to be forced to take your behavior or misbehavior for the matter.

Those stiff shoulders are not as strong as you think they are. Keep them rigid and life will eventually beat them soft. You should know by now that nothing hits harder than life.

Mellow down. Your colleagues will not forever bear what you are throwing. They will bring their worst behavior out one day. And as for your seniors? Don’t even try that. Because some seniors, who keep smiling all day long, hide a very nasty self. Don’t force it out.

Work place it an assortment of people. We work as a team. One contaminating soul and the entire team might fail to perform.

Mood swings are common. Every human being suffers from it. But, should you go around with a chip on your shoulder because you had a bad day? And that too in your workplace?

Your colleagues are not your friends. They don’t owe you anything. Your seniors might be easy going, but, they should not be taken for granted either.

If you recognize yourself in the write up, it’s time to make a move. Learn from yesterday. And change yourself today. There is still time.       

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