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Thursday, June 16, 2016

Life, Choices and You…

To be or not to be…that is the choice.

The best thing about life is its choices. We all have choices. We can choose to be or not to be. This is the ultimate secret of survival. Nah, I am not saying that I have made all the right choices all my life. Had I done so, I would have been driving a Lamborghini instead of riding by bus. Hey, I am not complaining. It is just a way of saying that I haven’t earned a master degree in making right decision. I haven’t earned a master degree in anything…anyways…let’s not get started on that…at least not here lol.

So, where was I?

Yeah, making choices.

Robert Frost has rightly nailed it in his Road Not Taken. In every step of life, you will be presented with two choices, it’s up to you to make one. You can choose to be a victim or you can choose to be a fighter. You can cry for your misfortune or you can get bang on the problem. You can choose to be what you are or you can turn your disadvantages into brand new opportunities.

Life is not easy. I cannot emphasize on this more. Life is a testing turmoil. It will test you at every step, beat you down on your knees (yep, you got it Rockyyyy, Rockyyy). But, nothing improves us better than life. With its each adversity we can learn. We can learn to become better. We can learn to be happy. We can learn to live. And most importantly we can learn to learn. Yeah, you got me right, you can learn to learn. Not many has this ability. Not many has the urge to make the effort to learn.

When learning stops, life stops. Movement is important. You see I am not a preacher. I am not a motivational speaker either. I am just a human being or maybe a divine being (as Wayne Dyer had urged everyone to believe) who has seen life. There had been a time when my faith had been tested. There had been a time when I stood staring ahead and saw nothing but darkening mist. At the rear end of it, I did not know what awaited. It could be life, it could be death, it could be utter destruction. Or, it could be a miracle.

I found my miracle. But, I had to make a choice. I had to walk the walk. I had to trust. I had to cling to the last thread of faith and step into the mist – the road less traveled. And I must say it made all the difference. Not that there was another way to walk. Universe had sealed my fate. And it decided to make me what I am today. Rightfully, unapologetically, unflinchingly ME.

The choice between being comfortable and following your dream will forever be there. What you do is your destiny. What you don’t do is yours too. How you handle the call of the wild shape up your future. You can choose to be comfortable or you can choose to explore the unknown.

Sometimes, we don’t have a choice. It is unknown we must explore. Like in my case. I had no other way to go. I had to proceed forward or die waiting. But, dying has never been an option. Life is a gift and I cherish it, no matter what.

In life you will come across people who cling to sadness like it is their second skin. With time it does become their second skin and eventually it becomes their soul. Happiness is a choice, it is not an object. You can choose to be happy or you can choose not to be. It’s up to you.

You can choose to see the splendors of life or you can choose to miss them. I chose to see the wonder of life even when nothing made sense. Yes, I was breaking inside, but, there was still a flicker of faith concealed in the deep water of my soul that told me – tomorrow everything is going to be all right. And I chose to believe it.

That’s it. Ponder the choices. Listen to your heart. And then chase your dream. If you don’t do it, universe might take over and make you do it. Trust me when universe takes over, it puts one through flaming forest. Speaking from experience guys.

Gotta go now. Enough for a day. I will be back. I always come back, don’t I. when? The day I find something to worth writing about. Till then, be happy, stay motivated.