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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Nothing to write today

This is the common state which I frequently find myself in. nothing to say today. Yeah, what to say? And why should it matter? I guess it is not only me but many writers go through the same path sooner or later. What I always wanted to know was – how to overcome this. What can one do to overcome the state of nothing to write about?

Hmmm…tough call. But, I guess the answer is simple. Or, so I found. Even few months before, I used to stare at the screen with a blank expression on my face. Nothing made sense to me and the blankness continued to loom like a monster about to engulf everything.

Yet, this should not continue. This should not be a permanent state. But, how to step past the zombie land?

The best thing to do is to write. Nothing chases away the fear faster than doing the thing we fear most. So, rather holding back, it is better to bang some words down on paper.

Nope, those will not be the masterpieces which will surpass the calamity of age and time. But, those banged down words will surely get you going. You never know where you can go once you get started.

Yet, first line matters. I know it does. Once the first line gets down on paper, you can get going from there on. So, what should be the first line?

How about – nothing to write today?

This is the first thing that knocked in my mind when I opened the doc. My mind shook its head and raised its hands and said – hey nothing to write today. So, I banged it down on paper and the rest followed. Pretty neat huh? Try it.

Umm…there is another way of getting words down on paper. How about doing something you usually would not do? Like getting into a verbal fight with someone? It works. Don’t turn your area into WWE ring though. But, a verbal combat brings forth many topics interesting enough to write about.

And then again, you can always get drunk. Many have tried this. And only some have successfully committed the drunk writing offense. If you can handle it (which means if you don’t make alcohol your writing buddy) you can use it to get past the blank state. However, better try to write on your own first.

Nope, I am not a preacher of drunk writing. If you are not Stephen King, it will not help you get famous. Then again, everything should be tried and tested. So, try and test. See what works and what does not.

Sometimes sitting by the window and staring at the sky helps. Sometimes steaming mug of coffee does. But, what always helps is the urge to do it. The heart that does want to quit always emerge out as the winner.

You see, broken wings get healed. Scars disappear with time. What remains is the dream that will not die. On the day when head refuses to cooperate, rely on your heart to guide you through. This is the best way to do something you love to do. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

The Tale of A Baffled Observer…

I have been in corporate for a long time. Have seen a lot, have faced a lot and needless to say have learnt a lot too. But, do you know what I find most fascinating about the journey?


There are so many of them. There are so many types. Capable. Incapable. Highly intelligent. Not so intelligent. Fools. And the list will continue for the next eternity. However, among the participants of this list there is a type that especially attracts my attention. Don’t get me wrong, they will attract your attention as well. Frankly, they will attract anyone’s attention.

Do you know who are they?

Take a guess.


Fine. I will tell you. They are the worthless bosses. You know people we are forced to call sir, because they hold the designation for who-knows-what-reason? These are the people who make me stop and think. How they do it man? You don’t make me call you sir because I respect you. You make me do it because you are sitting on a chair that does not befit you.

Fortunately or unfortunately, we all one time or other in our lives come across people like these. We all feel like picking up the bag and walking out just because that person is there. And some of the lucky ones do walk out. Most of us just stick to the job day in day out and call this example of rotten brain syndrome SIR.


But, this is the situation most of us find ourselves in after getting into the corporate life. Tragically, colleges, text books don’t warn us about the bosses who know not that they know not.

They will try to take away your glory. They will try to degrade you in front of others. And they will scare you by uttering the name of the CEO or the founder of the company. And when you walk into their room what do you find on their computer screen? Facebok, logged in and active.

But, that’s not all. They do something else too. They find the people who are trying to do something for the organization and give all their efforts to create obstacles in the path.  


Ever met a person like this?


Man, you are lucky. And I hope you stay that lucky forever.

Most of us are not. Most us are standing by the dark abyss and staring into it, hoping someday, the one up there (the Big Boss, The Captain of the Ship) will notice (not us but this call-me-sir-because-I-hold-the-designation type) and do something about it.

Most of the time no one notices. That is sad too. These people are the dead point from which comes out nothing but incapability and unproductivity. Most of the organizations fail because of these bosses, who have nothing but designation.

In case you are fostering someone who fits the description above, do something about it. The faster these people are removed, the better it is for the company. If you want your company and your brand to grow that is. It’s either your brand or them, the choice is yours.  

Sunday, September 13, 2015

10 Ways to Survive when Life Beats You Down

Life is a path. But, no one can say it is an easy one. No one can say life will not beat you down. In fact, it will beat you down. On your knees. And it will keep you there, if you let it. There I go again quoting Rocky Balboa. But, it’s true. Life is tough. Sometimes way too tough.

There comes times when nothing works out. There comes times when everyone leaves you. You turn around and there you are alone, even your shadow does not follow you. What do you do in a situation like that? How do you cope up? Who do you blame for the sudden downfall?

And then the billion dollar question is – how do you survive?

Not everyone goes through such darkness. Not everyone is strong enough to endure the torment and still live to talk about it. Not everyone is the protagonist of a bestseller. And it is damn tough being the Hero.

So, how do you keep your spirit alive when even God abandons you? How?

Write To Yourself

This helps. In times when unknown stars shine upon you and no footprint can guide you ahead, you need yourself. Writing is like therapy. It takes the frustration out of the system. It also creates a log of life. You can consult it later. Nothing motivates more than seeing yourself improving every day. So, rather than just talking to yourself. Write. Write a letter. Or, strike up a conversation with your own soul. Remember that heart knows. And heart never misleads.  

Quit Reading Horoscope

Hmm…we resort to reading horoscopes when life becomes one lengthy dark night. We try to find the flicker of light in our stars. But, the fault is not in our stars. It lies within us. Of course, I am not saying astrology is total bullshit. But, daily horoscope comes with its own peril. If it says a bad day is ahead, you will keep expecting everything to go wrong. And if it predicts a wonderful day, you will sigh in frustration and ask – where is that wonderful day? You get my point? Speaking from experience, don’t read horoscope. Don’t look at the stars for guidance. Dig within your soul instead.

Do What You Do Best

Hobbies can be a great diversion. When you can focus on nothing but gloom, turn to your hobby. Read a good book or watch a good movie. Even a couple of hours’ respite can work as a miracle. Allow yourself to heal.

Keep Your Goal in Mind

Have you watched Rocky 4? Do you remember Rocky pasting the image of Ivan Drago on the mirror before he began his training? Drago was Rocky’s goal. He kept his goal where his eyes would fall first thing in the morning. Do it. Write down your goal and paste it somewhere you are bound to look at. Nothing motivates more than seeing what you are living for. Everyone must have a reason to wake up every day.

Find a Mentor

A mentor does not have to be someone who is present near you. It can be someone who is not alive. It can be someone who lives millions of miles apart. A mentor shows the ways. Find someone whose story you connect to. Make this person’s life story your road map to follow. At least for a time being. Tell yourself, if he can, so can I. Of course, you can. You just gotta keep trying.   

Sweat It

Nothing takes frustration out of your system better than a good workout session. Ever tried sweating it out? Well, workout does not only help you slim down, it helps you think better too. Try it. Hit the floor. Or, hit the road. Choose your workout session. Eventually, you will get addicted to it. Better workout and sweat than alcohol or drugs.  

Read Motivational Stories or Watch Motivational Movies

Chicken Soup can help your soul. But, everyone is not a reader. If you are not, you can watch motivational movies. For me it’s Rocky 4. For you it might be something else. But, do something to motivate yourself. It’s needed, especially when no light flickers at the end of the tunnel.

Hold On a Moment Longer

It’s all about a moment. Just one moment and it might all be over. You never know. Yes, it hurts to hold on. Sometimes arms go numb, fingers slip and knuckles bleed. But, holding on is all we can do. Just a moment and that’s it. Life will become better again.

Don’t Bleed in Public

There is no point in telling your story unless you have made it big. When you have earned back your dignity, when you are driving a Lamborghini or an Audi, tell your story. People will read it for motivation. But, until then your story does not matter. Not to anyone. So, hold your tongue. They don’t care. But, you can make them care. It’s your life. Only you can make it large. Not by talking about it. But, by doing whatever you can.

Say a Prayer of Gratification

Yes, God abandons us. He does answer our prayers in silence. Even then show your gratification. Make sure to look up and say thanks every day. You know why? Because, at least you have a path, a way, a dream and the ability to make your dream come true. There are millions of people out there who do not even know how to dream.

You see, easier said than done. Yes, you might think so. You have the right. These points will not make your troubles go away. They certainly did not make mine disappear. But, these might help you give a better shot at it. Fight harder. There is no story in happiness. So, keep heart. Tomorrow will shine with better opportunity. It’s not how hard you can hit after all. It’s how hard you can get hit and keep moving. 

10 Things Only Writers Will Understand

Writers are rarely understood and reluctantly accepted in this society. They are either branded as too intense for their own good or they are labeled as insane. Not that they would mind a lot about what you say about them or what you think. With time they have learnt the art of being rejected and still keeping a smiling face about it. It’s a part of life guys. To be frank when people agree with us we feel the world is going the wrong way. Or, is it us going astray on our tracks?

But, you see being a writer is not easy. Building a world on nothing but a blank sheet might not require knowledge of rocket science but it needs brainstorming. A lot of it. Trust me on this. You gotta be a writer to understand the pain and pleasure of writing. Also, you gotta be a writer to fully realize the truth of the ten points I have summed up for the post.  

The first word is the toughest one

Umm…you ever stared at a blank screen for hours not knowing what to write? No? Well…lucky you. The first sentence is the hardest one to write. You have any idea how much time I have labored over the first sentence of this post? Of course you can’t know. And I am not going to tell. But, I have spent a generous amount of time to craft the first sentence. Fuck the sentence, let’s talk about the first word. It’s the most difficult one to jot down. Once the first word is there on paper or screen, the rest comes tumbling out. But, the first word can kill. Ask any writer.  

It is first word every day

Okay I am pretty unfortunate you know. Each day, I find myself at the same spot doing the same thing. Yes, every day I stare at the screen for a long time not knowing how to begin the day’s work. It is first word every day. And it is starting at the blank screen with a blank expression all over again each morning. When they say every day is a new day they forget to mention how hard it is to take the first step each time.

People are characters

I guess this everyone fortunate or unfortunate enough to know a writer, knows. My friends (the rare few) keep telling me to look away. Whenever they say something, I find myself leaning forward and devouring each word like a monster looking for blood. Everyone comes with potentiality to be in a story or be the story.

Writing is the hardest craft
Each time I moan about not being able to write something, people come forward to remind me I am a writer. Fuck yes I am. But, that does not mean I have super natural power. Writing is tapping on the soul and coming up with emotions buried deep and suppressed long. It is not morning pressure guys. Don’t expect us to sit and produce a masterpiece every time we touch the keyboard. Writing is work. And it is hard work.

Isolation is freedom

Every writer is different. Though we write about people and the world, we need to isolate ourselves to think and create. This, people don’t understand. And by now I have quit trying to make them realize the fact. They will never know what we unearth sitting at a corner, staring ahead. So, why bother?

Money is not the motivator

It is the passion that keeps a writer going. Appearing before the screen every day, knowing no one will read what you are producing, living a dual life and getting rejected require more than love for money. It requires unyielding determination to keep going. Or, maybe it requires unheard of stupidity to stick to it. Either way money comes secondary on priority list. What drives us is the sense of doing something unique.  

Middle of the novel hurts the most
Hmm…if the first word is the hardest one, the middle is absolutely monstrous. By the time we reach the middle of a novel, the glow of getting a fabulous idea dies down. And by this time most us get ready to haul our asses, if we could. But, it’s not that easy, you see. Until we see The End written on the paper, we cannot move on to another project. Like now, I am ready to write another post but till the time I reach The End of this one, I cannot quit. We are cursed that way. We cannot quit. Or, maybe we are blessed.  

Talking about writing is driving force

You ever dated a writer? Nope? Okay next time you do, be ready to listen about writing all evening long. Not everyone is same, but, most of us are. We love to talk about writing. We love to share stories of our success and failure. It is boring sometimes. I agree. If you are a non writer, you will look for an exit before long. But, it is our driving force. We bask in the glory of the craft. We energize ourselves while talking about writing.

Coffee works like wonder

I drink more than twelve cups a day. I need continuous supply of coffee each time I sit to write. My brain or my heart craves for the aroma of rich, freshly brewed beverage and my tongue demands it. Yes, I am addicted to coffee. It is me or writing I don’t know. I believe most of the writers will agree about needing coffee. It is better than needing alcohol or drugs you see.   

Insanity is bliss

Uh…insanity. Hmm. People lovingly or grudgingly call us crazy. I have been called crazy both ways. But, I don’t mind. Insanity is needed to keep doing what we do, regardless of the result. The result, my friends, is either rejection or mockery, whichever comes first. Do we stop? Fuck no. We don’t. Or, rather, we can’t. Imagination is insanity. I guess every artist is a little or lot crazy. It keeps us going.

So, that’s it for the day. Ten painstakingly gathered facts. Next hopefully I can be back with another post worth spending time on. Leave a comment if you feel like. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

10 Things You Don’t Know about Us – Writers

Are you a writer? No? Well, good for you. You are spared the agony of being a creator. But, then again you are also spared the ecstasy of writing as well. From the blank surface of a paper comes a world peopled with your imagined friends and enemies. This is the kind of experience writers will call beyond description. Which is true.

But, that is not the problem here. I am going astray on my track. But, then again what else is new right? I have specialized in going astray on my track. See, I am doing that again. Maybe because I am happy. Or, maybe because I am writing too much. Don’t know. Anyways.

So what was I writing? Yeah, 10 things that you don’t know about writers. Yes, I want you all to know a few things about us. Here you go…

  1. We Write, We Don’t Type
 Do you know what hits the nerve harder than a Rocky Balboa punch? It’s people talking to us when we are writing. Yes, writing is typing. But, it is more than typing. You get the point? Or, should I take the liberty to explain?

Ok, you have asked for it.

So, when we write, we think. And thinking needs solitude. Space is important. You get my point? Typing does not need thinking. You place a document and copy it. No rocket science here. But, to write one needs to open the heart and bleed on paper. Please next time you see someone writing, don’t wisely mistake the effort for typing.

  1. We Brood
Yes, we cannot help it. Our moods go up and down like yo yo. We are happy now. We are sad the next moment. And most disarming fact is we don’t know why. So, don’t keep asking. This does not make the matter better. If anything, we get even more drawn inside our shells.

Of course, I am not talking about all the writers. But, most of us are like this. So, please when you catch a writer brooding, let them burn in their hell for a few days. It will pass too.

  1. We Are Jealous of Our Writing Time
Umm…well, so you have a friend who is a writer? Boyfriend? Girlfriend? Writing time is very precious to us. We call it our freedom time. At least I do. This is the time when we get our magic wands out and go creating spells. Our masterpieces. Don’t invade this time. It hurts. It is maddening. Leave us alone when we say we are writing.

  1. We Hate to be Asked – Have You Ever Been Published
It is like are you good at fucking. It touches a cord deep down inside. It does not hurt. It irritates. If we are published, we will make it a point to tell you. We will gloat about the accomplishment. So, please don’t ask this question. It solidifies a strong doubt most of the writers are secretly carrying in their hearts.

  1. We See You As a Character
Hmm…this might feel like evasion of privacy. But, we cannot help it. If you are interesting enough, we will surely write about you. And we don’t feel guilty for doing it. At least I don’t. I think you should be proud that a writer finds you fascinating enough to write about you. There are too many characters out there who don’t not even get our consideration. They are too boring to write about.

So, even if we don’t read the Miranda Rights to you, know it in your heart that whatever you say or do will be used in a book someday. Sorry folks, some of us are life’s plagiarists.

  1. We Read to Learn 
Reading is like salvation for us. It is improving our skills. It is losing ourselves in a land where everything will be sorted out in the end. This is important. So, don’t go – you want time to read, you want time to write, you are selfish. We are. We cannot help.

  1. We Have a World of Our Own
And this world is very precious to us. We haven’t created it. We are just born with it. If you are not a writer or a painter, you will not understand this world. Our lost look denotes that we have gone merry riding again and we are creating some wonderful tales. Yes, it is hard to accept sometimes. But, that’s what we are. That’s the we are born. We cannot help it.  

  1. We are Proud of Ourselves 
Even if we are struggling, we are proud of our accomplishments. Some of us are born with all the adversities crowding around us. We fight them every day. We live dual lives. We lie to our friends. Just to come back home and write. And with small steps we approach our destinations. This makes us proud. Intellectual arrogance? Maybe. But, not always.

You see every day we struggle to create yet another story with hope that it will make to print. And then we have to swallow the bile of rejection as soon as we send them out. The process breaks us down. It takes self love to survive the continual blows. It takes strong conviction of our ability to hang on. Our arrogance is just our survival strategy.

  1. We Dig Non Readers with Effort  
Some outcasts us bookish nerds. They think we are not interesting enough, because we spend time reading. Let me tell you a secret. We find people who are not into books boring too. It’s not that we don’t talk to you. It just that we don’t know what to say to you. So if you find us boring, we find you boring too. If you are making an effort to tolerate us, we are also making an effort to tolerate you. It’s a two way thing.

  1. We Don’t Ever Want to Grow Up
Please don’t tell us to. In our childish self is hiding the creator. We observe everything like a child. You know the process of forever learning. People don’t feel comfortable with our never ending jokes. They think we are not serious about life. Might be. Because we think life is not worth being serious about.

So, there you go guys. The writers might agree or disagree with me. You have the right. I have just summed up some of the things I have faced. This is not intended for anyone particular. This is just a general declaration lol. Please don’t take it too seriously. I will be back with some more information later on.  

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

If You Don’t Chase Your Dream – Who Will

Well, almost a year has passed by since my last blog post. After the torrent of emotion that I showered in my last post, I thought of going for a sabbatical. My blog actually needed a break from my occasional volcanic outbursts LOL. Kidding you see. What I want to say is my life, professional life, has fucked my ass royally. I don’t have time for myself. I don’t have time for my family. I don’t have time for anything but work. So, there went my days of blogging and along went the flow of writing.

Or, so I thought.

The good news is I have given up content writing. Yeah, I have. What a wastage of time and energy that was. Keeping up with keywords which hardly make sense can get into anyone’s nerve. But, then again I thought writing is the only thing I knew. What else would I do, if not writing? I forgot. I know another art. It has also got something to do with words. Yeah, you guessed it.

It’s called talking.

So, you see, write or talk, I always end up with selling words.

Though I have given up content writing, I have not given up writing. I cannot. This is what I am. I have seen numerous people giving up on their passions. They have numerous ready reasons to defend themselves. Lack of time happens to be the cliché I am tired of.

I agree, being a writer is not easy. I agree writing every day has its’ effect, especially when you know no one will read your writing. Its’ scary not knowing what awaits after the next line.

It’s a battle. It’s an everyday battle. We win some. We lose some. But, we win more than we lose. Our hardest battle though is with our own selves. Every morning when the buzzer strikes 6, I battle with myself. I debate whether to get off the bed and face the blank page or roll over and get another sixty minutes of sleep. Every night when I come home with aching eyes and pounding head, I go to war with myself. I stand torn between enduring the torment of facing a blank page and chilling in front of television with a tall glass of cold coffee.

Each time the blank page wins.

It’s my dream. If I don’t chase it who will?

We all have dreams. We all have passions. What we do with them makes all the difference. Sitting back and saying if only does not help. The some days never comes. Situation never becomes favorable. Time never magically appear.

You gotta make time for your passion. You gotta pursue your dream. All you have is the moment. And the moment is fast fading. Chase it today. Follow your passion today. Make it happen today.

The best thing you can do is making a commitment. Commit to your calling. Even if the blank page does not call on to you, reach out to it. Even if the empty canvas scares you, face it. And face it today

If not today, then when?    

It’s your dream. Make it come true.