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Monday, July 4, 2016

Read or Please Don’t Write

Ah…me and my bantering, both are back. But, guys please read this one post not for your own sake but for the sake of people you will torture to death otherwise.

Read. Not only this post. Read means, read in a serious term. Read everything, books, blog posts, graphic novels and I mean everything.

Or please be an accountant.

No, don’t get me wrong. I find accountants pretty interesting. They know a lot about numbers. They spend their days staring at excel sheets. Their jobs are so mentally stimulating that I am sure they experience creative orgasms every day. Pretty lucky for them. But, we the writers are not that lucky you see.

We put our asses on the line of firing squad every day. We rattle down words. We moan. We groan. We write thousands of words every day and then get shits from people who cannot separate adjectives from adverbs, clients I mean to say. Improvement we must chase or die trying. Pretty Rocky IV like situation, right? Well, that’s our lives. But, we accept it.  We are after all the prisoners of our own desire. Happily we take the pain and move forward.

Until the day, there comes a writer in the team who does not read.

Fortunately or unfortunately, I leave you to decide, I lead a team of writers. They are all hand-picked, freshers with passion to become writers. Eighty five percent of the times, I make the right decision. The rest fifteen percent makes me wish that I had been an accountant and not a writer.

These people, the aspiring writers with attitudes and ego to tower Himalaya Mountain itself. They look down upon everyone and hold themselves high, the self-proclaimed kings or queens of their imaginary kingdom.

The truth sadly always comes out, with all its ugliness. They sit to write. They hammer the words down on paper. They submit the project. And bam. Explodes the bomb. As a result the entire team gets affected. Why?

Because now it’s the team duty to sweep the shit off the floor and make it shinny again.

Sad. Yet, I have witnessed this scene to unfold so many times that I have lost my faith in the ability of the writers. Here is the advice guys. Please pay attention.

If you want to write, you gotta read. You gotta read a lot. Without books, your vocab will suffer. You will not know the difference between Rewards and Revert. You will write Elegant Fabric instead of Comfortable Fabric. You will make everyone in your team affected by your lack of knowledge.

Want to make a career in writing?

Well enough. Start reading.

Want to make a career in anything?

Very well, invest time on self-improvement. It is more important than meeting your love interest every day. Romance might not last. But, your career certainly will.

Go home today and ask yourself what you have learnt. Was your day productive? Have you really earned something? If you are making a mess out of everything, you are falling behind. If you are not trying to improve yourself, you are wasting yours and others’ time. Make sure to make a difference in a way which counts. If your difference is making everyone shriek in horror, you gotta do some soul searching.   

Read, read a lot or please don’t torture others with your writing. Invest time in self-improvement or please forget about making a career. Harsh but true. Speaking from own experience. That’s all…

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